Publishing house Vrijeme has extensive experience working with young people through publishing textbooks and workbooks for youth. A special department within IK Vrijeme is dedicated to working with young people, organizing tribunes, conferences, promotions, fairs, and educating young people. It is very sensitive to the needs of young people and creating adequate responses to those needs and helping to address them.
Vrijeme Publishing House is the first publishing house in Bosnia and Herzegovina with an online digital platform for textbooks. All textbooks, workbooks and learning materials for students and teachers from I to IX grade are placed on the platform in digital form. Numerous quizzes, video materials and additional tutorials that enable additional research are available to all users of the platform. The digital platform of the publishing house Vrijeme offers additional education during the corona crisis through a specially prepared program “With knowledge against coronavirus” in three modules for teachers and students, which enables easier mastering of teaching content during the corona crisis and online teaching to save lives and health of students and professors as well as their families. The publishing house Vrijeme will continue to strive to support digitization in learning and teaching and the teaching process and to support students, their parents and teachers.

Muamer Tinjak
Muamer Tinjak holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Islamic studies University Sarajevo, Master’s Degree in Management in Education, and a Ph.D. in Management and Evaluation in Institutions of Education at the Pedagogical Faculty in Sarajevo. He has scientific interests in the topic Improving partnership between families and schools in the process of the institutional education system (his PhD thesis). He has 20 years of experience in primary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina as former principal of the largest school in the city of Sarajevo. It was the first school which had approved Erasmus + projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015 and 2017), international programs for the exchange of good practices in education. Two projects successfully implemented from Erasmus + KA2 exchange of good practices in education. Five years of experience working on Erasmus + projects.
- E+KA2, 2020-2-NL02-KA205-002994, MINDSET – Preventing Cyberbullying with a positive mindset
- E+KA2, 2017, 2017-1-PT01-KA201-035812, Stress prevention in the teacher profession, Agrupamento de Escolas nº 1 de Gondomar.
- E+ KA2, 2015, 2015-1-PL01-KA201-016992, Fundacja Archipelag Innowacji Społecznych
The author and co-author of several books, school textbooks, professional and scientific papers.
History of employment:
- A former principal of the largest school in the city of Sarajevo, which equal rights and opportunities to all students.
- President of the Association of Elementary School Principals 2014-2018.
- President of the Education Council of the Canton of Sarajevo.
- Member of the Sarajevo Canton Strategy Development Team 2016-2020. Member of the Cantonal Commission for External Matura.
Faruk Arnautović
Faruk Arnautovic is a second-year student at the International University of Sarajevo, pursuing a major in English Language and Literature. He is an up-and-coming linguist with an interest in learning languages, international relations, entrepreneurship, and project writing. He is fluent in Bosnian, English, has good knowledge and usage of the Turkish language, as well as basic knowledge in the German language. He took part in the Youth Pass learning mobility project “Top skills that young entrepreneurs need” held in Konya, Turkey. He is new to the Erasmus+ projects, but even as such, he has one project approved, currently in the implementation phase:
- E+KA2, 2020-2-NL02-KA205-002994, MINDSET – Preventing Cyberbullying with a positive mindset, Caribbean Education and Culture Foundation.
Velid Tinjak
Velid Tinjak is a second year student of University in Sarajevo School of Economics and Business. Youthpass acquired in 2019 for participating in a learning mobility project of youth workers called Top Skills That Young Entrepreneurs need which took place in Konya, Turkey. He has a great interest in business, leadership, international relations, entrepreneurship, and project writing. He is new to the Erasmus+ projects, but even as such, he has one project approved, currently in the implementation phase: E+KA2, 2020-2-NL02-KA205-002994, MINDSET – Preventing Cyberbullying with a positive mindset, Caribbean Education and Culture Foundation.